Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing Nelson

Holistic health works on the premise that you are an integrated whole system, and that all the parts of you need to be nurtured for you to experience overall health and wellness. Holistic healing harnesses the body-mind connection, and the interconnectedness of all living things to one another, to bring about the wellbeing which is our birth right.


Creating a Balanced Aligned Life

Holistic therapy helps you to learn to take care of all the parts of yourself. This is the key to true wellness. Nourishing your mind, body, and heart can help bring balance and alignment to your life and improve your health and wellbeing.



Holistic therapy teaches techniques for becoming curious and learning about how the mind works and how to work with challenging thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Understanding the nature of the mind and how it works is crucial to not always being controlled and overcome by your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


A healthy body clearly has a strong bearing on our overall wellbeing but an aspect of the physical body which is often overlooked when we think about mental health, is the direct connection between the body and mind.

In holistic healing and holistic therapy you will learn to become of aware of where emotions arise in your body, and how to use that to not only manage challenging mental states, but importantly to reduce the risk of disease in the body from ongoing distressed mental states.


Spirituality is in part knowing the interconnectedness between all living things. A love of life is appreciating impermanence and respecting the life of those around us, our own life, and the life of all living things.

A supreme sense of wellness comes from truly valuing all life.


Holistic Therapy

Tamzyn Davey offers a holistic therapy service to help you understand the nature of your mind, how to manage emotions, how to recognise emotions in your body, and how to nurture and value your own and all other life.


Ready to Live Life Fully?

Could you benefit from developing the connection between your mind, body, and heart? If we are a good fit and you are ready, I offer holistic healing to help you discover your spirituality and harness your whole self to improve overall health. If you want to learn more about how holistic therapy works, or you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them. Just get in touch.