Self Healing

Self-Healing Nelson
No matter what has happened in your life and no matter what is going on right now, nothing is broken, and nothing needs fixing. You have your own wisdom for mental wellness, you are naturally whole, and importantly, you have an in-built capacity for self-healing.
The Process
If we are a good fit and you are ready, we will embark on a process of inquiry together. With techniques to understand the nature of your mind, and the mind-body connection, you will discover the wisdom, wholeness, and mental wellbeing that is always available for you to access.
Challenges and difficult emotions have and always will be part of the human experience. We may not be able to eradicate these, but what is possible is learning to work with them in a way which honours the richness of the experience of being alive—in other words, feeling the broad range of human emotions—while not having these experiences and emotions completely undermine our ability to be present in our lives, and to live fully.
Benefits of Learning to Access Self-Healing
The idea is that with guidance and the gaining of new knowledge and tools, you will be able to apply this knowledge and these tools at any time to work with the challenges of being human and to live life to the fullest.
Ready to Start the Journey?
Are you ready to begin living fully? If we are a good fit and you are ready, I can help guide you to begin the journey. Whatever you’re dealing with in life, we can learn to work with it.
Get in touch if you have any questions or book your first session below.